You might recognize Misty from my very first blog ever! I photographed her and her family back in January when they were expecting baby Everly. Misty’s husband, Tony, and his brother, Drew are combining forces to start a home-building business here in the Tri-Cities, called Relentless Custom Homes. Check them out if you are looking to build a home or remodel! We got both brothers and their families together for some family photos and some branding photos and headshots too!
Drew and Val live out on 40 acres in West Richland, WA. It’s really not far from town, but it sure feels like it out there! Tall grass, a pond, a river, an old barn, horses–it’s the ultimate homestead! Misty and Tony have plans to build a home on the property too, and then everyone will be really close!
We had some heat that evening, and being close to the Yakima river, we had some bugs, too, but we also had an AMAZING sunset. There was a perfect little cloud giving us some filtered dreamy light, and it was just amazing to capture it all. I’ve known Misty and Drew since high school (this is what happens when you stay in the town you grew up in, I guess!), and I feel like they haven’t aged a day (same for me, too, right?!). It’s always so much fun to see people I haven’t seen in years, and get to take pictures of them too!
Misty and Tony, Drew and Val, Thank you all for having me out to capture your cute families and some images for your business. Each time I photograph you it’s so fun and pressure-free because it feels like you really believe in me and my work. Thank you for being so supportive!!
Best of luck as you get things started with Relentless Custom Homes! I know you guys are going to be amazing! I’m rooting for you!

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