I wasn’t sure if I should blog this, because mini sessions just don’t come with very many photos, and I didn’t want to share the entire gallery, but it’s my blog and I can do what I want, and I definitely wanted to share some of this one this one with all of you! It’s […]

Want to know a secret to a unique senior session gallery?  With tons of unique images that are totally YOU?   PROPS! Yep, bringing a few things with you on the day of your photo session can take your images to the next level, and are a fun way to bring out your personality in your […]

This girl.  If I’ve ever had a muse, it might be her! Erica was a student at Hanford High when I taught there.  Although she was not a student of mine, she was a student that most teachers knew because she was involved in lots of things, and a valedictorian, too.  I had the opportunity […]