You guys, this spring has just been wild. Our spring warm-up was SLOW, and we had so much wind and rain, and because of all that we had to reschedule this session FOUR TIMES! I SO appreciate my client’s flexibility! I just can’t control the weather, and juggling sessions around it can be so stressful!
So after all of that, we had such a wonderful time! Meet the Castro Family!!
We went down the Columbia River in Pasco, Washington, for a woodsy feel in the middle of the desert. Since we haven’t had the summer heat yet, the landscape was so lush and green, and it was a beautiful contrast with the family’s white clothes. Wearing light colors really works with my editing style and makes the photos feel so light and airy! This plus more tips for your session are provided by me in a digital style guide when you book a session! We scheduled this session a bit on the early side of golden hour because little Miss Charlie has an early bedtime, but with the shade from the trees, we had the most beautiful light!
It had been quite a while since I photographed a baby, and I was all prepared to have to work SUPER hard for her smiles, and worried that my camera might even scare her, but she was SO smiley and happy! A total doll! We danced and sang to the hits “Baby Shark”, and “Itsy Bitsy Spider”! Classics! She started out the session asleep in her car seat, so we even got to start with photos of just Phung and Nick!
Phung, and Nick, thank you so much for your flexibility throughout the scheduling process for this session. Rescheduling is not something I love to do, but each time we did it, I was thankful we weren’t out in the wind and rain with little Charlie! We ended up with just the best evening! I hope these photos capture the feeling of your new little family, and the love you all share!

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