Meet Johann, Hanford High School class of 2025, and my third senior this year!
Johann chose to showcase the beauty of the shrub steppe by choosing an EPIC location for his senior session–Twin Sisters Wallula Gap. While this spot is a little further out of town, it’s beautiful! The desert really shows off here, so it’s fun to have it as a backdrop.
Johann recently returned from his junior year abroad in GERMANY! This sounded like an incredible experience! What an amazing opportunity for a young person! I wonder if they do senior portraits in Germany…?
Back here in the state, Johann is looking forward to his final season of cross country running for the Hanford Falcons. I was trying to convince him (like I do all my seniors that don’t already play a spring sport) to join the golf team! You’ll never have another opportunity in your life to play golf for free, and it was such a great experience for me, that I’m trying to convince everyone to take it up and try it out. Johann pointed out that nobody really cares about the golf team, so nobody will care if you are really bad at golf! Sounds like a win-win to me!
I’ve got two more senior guys scheduled this fall and I can’t wait to meet some more fantastic young people and hear their stories. It’s such a privilege to take their portraits.
Johann, I hope you have a fantastic senior year! Good luck with your cross country season, and with your golf try-out 😜! It was a pleasure to be your photographer!

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