Ahhh this family!  I have known Eric since our cross country running days at Hanford High in Richland, Washington.  Although we weren’t super close friends, somehow we kept in touch enough over the years (Thanks, facebook!).  So when he was looking to move back to Richland, and get a teaching job, I told him about […]

Things I remember about the 4th grade at Sacajawea Elementary:  A research report about the Everglades, and the animals I made out of Sculpey for the presentation, a travel agency project in which I had to cold-call a real travel agent in Alabama to ask for some travel brochures about the state (and the anxiety […]

So, we have had what seems like an unusually chilly spring, here in the Tri-Cities, WA. Remember the record-breaking snowfall we had in April? Yeah…. So scheduling this session was a bit of a juggle around the weather, but we finally landed on a beautiful, yet still slightly chilly evening at the Master Gardener’s Demonstration […]